Hypothetical protein
In biochemistry, a hypothetical protein is a protein whose existence has been predicted, but for which there is no experimental evidence that it is expressed in vivo.
The usual scenario involving a hypothetical protein is in gene identification during genome analysis. When the bioinformatic tool used for the gene identification finds a large open reading frame without an analog in the protein database, it returns "hypothetical protein" as an annotation remark.
The function of a hypothetical protein can also be predicted by domain homology searches with various confidence levels.
See also
- Zarembinski TI, Hung LW, Mueller-Dieckmann HJ, Kim KK, Yokota H, Kim R, Kim SH (December 1998). "Structure-based assignment of the biochemical function of a hypothetical protein: a test case of structural genomics". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95 (26): 15189–93. PMC 28018. PMID 9860944. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=28018.
- Nan J, Brostromer E, Liu XY, Kristensen O, Su XD (2009). "Bioinformatics and structural characterization of a hypothetical protein from Streptococcus mutans: implication of antibiotic resistance". Plos One 4 (10): e7245. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007245. PMC 2749211. PMID 19798411. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2749211.
- Hernández S, Gómez A, Cedano J, Querol E (October 2009). "Bioinformatics annotation of the hypothetical proteins found by omics techniques can help to disclose additional virulence factors". Current Microbiology 59 (4): 451–6. doi:10.1007/s00284-009-9459-y. PMID 19636617.
- Dilip Gore (2009). "In silico Prediction of Structure andEnzymatic Activity for Hypothetical Proteins of Shigellaflexneri. Biofrontiers". Biofrontiers 1 (2): 1–10.
- Dilip gore, Alankar raut (2009). "Computational Functionand Structural Annotations for Hypothetical proteins ofBacillus anthracis". Biofrontiers 1 (1): 27–36.
- Dogra Pranay, Dilip Gore (2010). "Prediction of EnzymaticFunction and Structure of H. influenzae HypotheticalProteins - An In silico Approach". IJSCB 1 (in press).
- D G Gore, A P Denge, N M Amrute (2010). "Homology Modeling and Enzyme Function Prediction in the Hypothetical Proteins of Helicobacter pylori - an Insilico Approach". Biomirror 1: 1–5.
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